Question regarding MoI's conic section abilities

 From:  Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
4835.27 In reply to 4835.26 
Hi Anthony,

I appreciate you're not UK based, however perhaps this might be of passing interest to someone.

The London Science Museum's permanent Mathematics exhibition has a collection of truly beautiful mechanical drawing instruments dating back 190+ years. I highly recommend a visit to anyone with even a passing interest in the history of technical drawing. My recent visit really put into perspective for me just how far we've come in 200 years. Actually, what really did it, and still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end just thinking about it, was being able to touch Stephenson's 'Rocket', built in 1829 in the same room as look inside the actual Apollo 10 capsule!

Back to Earth now, here's a couple of London Science Museum links showing instruments for drawing ellipses. One is an ellipsograph from 1817, the other a trammel from 1876.

There's also quite a nice animation of a trammel here:
