3dconnexion device

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

Didn't want to bring this subject up again however I wanted to give my 3dconnexion controller another go in MoI, since I use it with my other main CAD software, I've been avoiding the 3d controller with MoI because of the jerky movements mentioned previously, so I put it upon myself to find out what was the difference between MoI and my other CAD program so I can try and explain what is missing in hope you could revisit it.

The main difference I see and contributing annoyance is that in MoI you can't have simultaneous moves happening at once, it only handles one motion at a time, while holding the puck on the device to zoom and rotate at the same time the model will zoom for a certain amount of time, stop zooming and switch to rotate, rotate for a certain amount of time, stop rotating switch to zoom and so on. This is the jerky movement effect, for me and a few other CAD guys I've shown who also use a 3d controller find this an unnatural hand to eye feedback. In my other CAD program it's one smooth single motion when doing the same.

Any chance at looking at this again sometime or is this area final and buried?
