Hmmm, well those lumps are mostly caused by the shape ease-in/ease-out blending, but I can't easily just turn it off because it causes a different kind of micro-bump where they kind of abruptly change (attached).
I'll have to think about different ways to make this better.
Network surface is looking better and better for doing this central spine control... I guess that will likely be the main way to handle this better.
> BTW, are you sure this is the right way to do it? I mean adjoining rails creates
> unsightly poles when rendered.
Well, there are a couple of good things to it - it keeps all the sections staying vertical throughout the sweep so in one sense that takes out some additional variables. Also the way that NURBS algorithms are usually set up, it is more of a standard thing to have a pole than it is to have a corner of the surface where the corner is bowed out to have opposite pointing tangents.
But it is just another approach, if the other way works for you then that's fine.
- Michael