As a curious newcomer, I have to ask...
When you boolean with NURBS, you simply use a curve to mask out part of surface in a hierarchial fashion (spelled right??), so you can "blend" together several curves to form an objec, did I get that right?
So there is no way (even for the developers) to take such a bunch of surfaces that has been joined together to form a solid, and "collapse" it to an object with control points ad the edges.
I don't know if I'm clear enough. Imagine you have a sphere and a cylinder, the cylinder is halfway inside the sphere, and you boolean subtract it from the sphere.
You then have an object that is made up by 3 surfaces (I guess...) one for the end of the cylinder, one for the side, and one for the sphere.
Is it possible to make a joined surface, like a surface that is only described by control points found on this surface, like points along the edge of the "hole".