SubD Ex;port

 From:  RealUnreal
478.30 In reply to 478.29 
Well, you better don't wait for Npower to implement SUB-D into PowerNurbs because i already suggested that a long time ago for Version 2.0 in 2005 and although they liked very much the idea - they didn't intergrated it! Then again the same discussion about Sub-D came almost a year later in this thread, and again it just seems they liked the idea but don't want to implement it...

So again ELF, i don't think they will implement it, they just always say it is a great idea... But who knows, maybe they will realize this time, what possibilitys that would open - for us and for them!

Wouldn't that be a option for MOI?? A SubD-Nurbs Hybrid? With the best of both Worlds? Like they did in Catia?

For Inspiration please visit for a little overview Video and then the actually presentation site with modeling example videos

Do you think it would be hard to implement?

I really wish somebody would make it possible for us...