Thanks for the info :) Though I kind of understood all of that...
What I kind of didn't get was whether or not you could have points places like thpose in the attachment.
Because if you make a 2-rail sweep, you can have any number of points on each side.. but is that because the 2-rail sweep actually makes an entire grid of patches? Damn I just realised that :S Stupid me...
What I don't get then is why you can't do the same with bezier patches... have 1 side made of 2 points, one parallel maybe of 4 points, and 2 conneting those with sides with 3 and 5 points, and still get the computer to automatically generate a perfect smooth surface...
Oh and BTW... Aren't solids modelers often just NURBS modelers with good trimming? :P Like solidworks, or PowerNURBS/PowerSolid...