A Drone and Rail sweep advice

 From:  Stever_uk (STEVER)

Here I had a little fun exercise with this made up drone based on the predator.

However I did rack my brain on how to do the front of the drone. I did end up creating the top half with with a two rail sweep + scaling rail and the same with the bottom half but with a different profile.

1) Is this a valid approach or would there be a better way to do this?

2) I had to play around quite a lot with the rails to achieve what I wanted. I did get imperfections a quite a few times so had to constantly play with the points of my curves that defined my rails.

when defining a rail will having more points defined your 2d curve achieve better results?

Also once I defined my shape I had issues trying to fillet the edges and also "boolean union" the top half and bottom half. I ended up just placing very close together for the render

Any advice would be appreciated


EDITED: 9 Dec 2011 by STEVER

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