Mac OSX v3 prototype available now

 From:  Chyman
4737.128 In reply to 4737.125 
Hi Michael,

thank you for looking into this. I checked the glxinfo command on my GMA X3100. It seems to have OpenGL 2.0, but I also found VBO and FBO support in it:

OpenGL vendor string: Intel Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Intel GMA X3100 OpenGL Engine
OpenGL version string: 2.0 APPLE-1.6.36
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:

I think Apple called it version 2.0 because it does not implement all of 3.0, but at least some portions of it...
So perhaps there is still hope. I am looking forward to your upcoming public test version.

Kind regards,