Parts won't export

 From:  Michael Gibson
Hi Sebastian, thanks I got the file through e-mail.

Over here I tested with a slightly older version of Alibre's using 3DM import, and it seems to come in if you don't enable the "healing" option.

Here are the options I used:

Then importing the 3DM into Alibre gives this result:

There seems to be some problem with the display mesh not being right one some of those little holes:

That looks like it is probably a display issue where the display mesh is not getting generated properly, a single surface with thousands of little holes is a pretty big stress test for any triangulation mechanism, and I think it's likely that only the display triangulation of those areas is messed up and not the actual NURBS model geometry itself. That may cause you some problems if you need to rely on the Alibre triangulator for generating output to the special KeyShot Alibre version that doesn't have the regular file import options. Normally to get a better triangulation you would want to use MoI to export the mesh instead, but your renderer needs to support the normal render interchange file formats such as OBJ format for that to work.

I'm running a part check in Alibre to see if it checks out ok but it's taking a really long time to run.

So using the above settings for the 3DM import into Alibre may do the trick for you right now, although it looks you may run into problems with this kind of geometry if you need to rely on Alibre's triangulator for mesh generation.

- Michael