Hello Mickael,
Yes, I have tried Xara (Designer Pro), but I don't hit with the curious policy of MAGIC (Group that sales Xara); & I don't find the tools & interface very friendly nor intuitive.
The products of COREL (CORELDRAW) was also good, but penible to use. EXPRESSION an old thing in Vector, now sales by Microsoft is well too, but it's Microsoft (LOL!).
The best to DRAW in Vector, that was FLASH until the number 4.0 or 6.0 (Same under MACROMEDIA); since, this soft has changed and becomes to heavy. The first version (SMARTSKETCH) was so CLEVER... I like simple software that thinks final USER (not to the trader who goes to buy a software for its business to put Slaves in front of Screen).
So, the MIND is primordial, primal, essential in any creation. I'm not sensitive to the stupid Advertisers (Publicity), true Parasitics, who don't understand what is the LIVING. It's why I like MoI [MoAï] same if it doesn't give me (for the moment) a choice of bevels on letters (LOL).
You know, I surprise me to draw in Vector, directly in MoI. You should to add a function of distribution, spacing (alignement) between objets. Ah yes! also a solid TORUS and may be some Dodécahédric volumes, a trick to make easily geodesic domes.