Screw Thread Tutorial Online

 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
4623.25 In reply to 4623.1 
Well Done!

As a long time comprehensive tutorial provider myself, I would like to say that your tutorial was spot-on as video tutorials go. Not rushed, a clear voice, no unnecessary chatter and not too much in the way of excessive mouse movement. I would say that you have a real knack for video tutorials. Experience will help iron out the process and you may even start to get a real good feel for how you can create breaks for yourself in the process and then assemble with a video editor. I saw that in one spot and thought that it was well done. I hope that you will make additional MoI video tutorials.

On a more personal note. I have shied away from video tutorial because I know the effort they take to make. My tutorials have always been in PDF format (200 - 300 pages on average), but I occasionally include a supplemental video on some of the more difficult concepts. I really would like to delve more into video and may do so at some point on shorter project concepts.

Best regard.

Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations