Hi Mike,
> The Twist command seems to add a graceful swoop to
> the faces of anything twisted - as the logic of that
> mechanism dictates...
Only when "Limit to axis" is checked - that acceleration swoop is what makes it possible to twist only a limited section of an object and not have any odd hiccup where it transitions into the non-twisted part.
If you turn off "Limit to axis", then Twist will generate a totally regular helix effect, and actually any lines parallel to the twist axis will become a regular helix in shape.
So it could be a good fit for threads - definitely worth a try!
A little while ago I had thought that Twist wouldn't really work so well for this kind of thing where you'll probably be doing quite a lot of turns, but it actually seems to handle it quite well. By the way, you can type in stuff like 5*360 for doing 5 full turns for the twist angle.
- Michael