If having a dialog like in the previous post is workable for what you want (I guess that would still be useful if you're in full screen mode), you may want to make some custom dialogs that have various stuff on them, rather than trying to use the command set directly as a dialog which will probably have some odd line breaking in it since those command sets are really meant to fit within the side pane.
To set up a dialog, go find the command set .htm file and you can grab the buttons for various commands out of there.
Then to make a dialog make a new .htm file and to control the line wrapping in the dialog surround sections that you want to have all one one single line with <nobr></nobr>
Then put your new dialog in either the \commands or \ui sub-folders, then to refer to it with createDialog use an address of moi://commands/dialogname.htm if it's in the \commands folder or moi://ui/dialogname.htm if it's in the UI folder.
- Michael