Hello Michael
Parenthesis: do you know that "Michael" is one of the forms of "Fihangel or Mihangel", an ancient Welsh or Gall [guelsh] name; from "MIH, FIH", Same; also Cast off; to do "Fi! = Pooh!", to ignore, to turn one's nose up at, to spurn; "ANG", open, capacity, large, broad; & "EL or AL", principle of motion or air; energy, spirit, intelligence, &c. It's somebody who stays faithful, loyal, true, to himself or his convictions, ideas, behaviour, &c ("Angel" is a fake image never understood in its real original meaning, it's a mystification or wrong image, made by propagandists of Myth = False, lie; bad fairy tales).
So, you stay on your line of conduct, like one Michael, you do "FI" (in French) = POOH! I understand that very well (LOL).
I like what the words have to say truly in all the languages (same cipher, internal or machine, programming languages).
Thanks, good day.