BEVELS on letters

 From:  Michael Gibson
4578.8 In reply to 4578.7 
Hi Bard,

> Don't hesitate, because all the shortcuts are never the right solution.

Yeah the shortcuts are only a temporary solution for the time being.

But it's basically my policy to hesitate before adding things into the main UI - once something is added to the main UI people tend to get accustomed to it and then it creates a lot of controversy if I try to remove it later on and put it somewhere else.

It works better for the UI to be developed more carefully and have things go into a good location when they first appear.

That kind of hesitation is one of the reasons why MoI continues to have a nice streamlined UI instead of falling victim to "feature creep" or "bloat".

> A possible other way, will be to do a contextual menu by right
> click, and put inside all the effective and useful commands for
> objets? That will be discreet and always available at any
> moment... Although I prefer always a visible menu.

There's probably going to be an extended object properties dialog which will have a lot of room to contain a whole lot more controls, and it may go on there.

- Michael