I asked me if we could to have the choice of different automatic bevels (with a option to check) in the dialog box, when we create a text. & if we could to change this bevel same after, to have created it?
Actually we have to add a round bevel or a simple bevel, but it is often problematic, and the function by moment bugs, rather capricious & sensitive to break-in (breakage). Sometimes we lost the top & bottom faces. In others cases the bevel doesn't run, so we do others manipulations, then, when we come back on the recalcitrant objet, it arrives sometimes that the same bevel is well calculated (worked out) by MoI.
Would it be possible to see somewhere an alert message, to follow what happens in case of problems? Examples: "exceed limits" or "impossible size asked" "too small, too big" or "Attention, bevel incomplete".
I join some bevels available in Illustrator; same if I know that we can do this, with another way in MoI.
I think, this function of bevels could to be ameliorated & more developped.
Contrary to some users, I don't think the priority of MoI is to fill this clever program, with one ton of new functions. I like its simplicity & its soberness; I don't want to find a gazwork.