Sub-div companion 2 Moi?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4576.32 In reply to 4576.31 
Hi Mauro,

> i think that if you want to do human detailed models
> you have to be a real sculptor,or,at least, have something
> in you..a natural approach to real clay sculpture...

Yes, that's something to keep in mind when you see some fantastic video of someone sculpting a magnificent figure - the main thing that actually makes that possible is the skill, experience and well practiced technique of the person doing the modeling, it's not like the software itself just magically makes that stuff happen.

It's a difficult skill set to achieve, so it's something that you should expect to invest quite a bit of time in to practice and refine your techniques.

But it is a great path to work on to get those kinds of sculpted detailed results.... Just be prepared for a high learning curve and a lot of time investment.

- Michael