Flow on Revolved Surface

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)

(This is a rough screen capture shown with a little Photoshop)

Here, I was able to wrap multiple surfaces trimmed with a pattern, around the revolved target surface.
The center was crudy as was expected, so I did a little work on it.

The total surface took about 25 minutes in calculation time with Flow. However, when I tried a solid version with some depth, I started last night and when I came home tonight, there was still no result.
Which leads me to believe that for every single surface or curve, Flow has to make a separate calculation, noting that the time seems exponential.
I can't fathom the workings of the logarithms behind Flow, but I imagine this to be so.

Since the resultant Flow were single layer surfaces I performed a simple extrusion on them to give them a little thickness.

I could have simply trimmed the hexagons from the target shape in one direction, but the point here was to be able to accomplish this result on surfaces oriented in many directions.

Now I'd like to build upon this object.