Flow on Revolved Surface

 From:  Rich_Art
4549.32 In reply to 4549.30 
>>>>Rememebr that MoI is a NURBS modeler and you are making comparison to Polygon modeler.. They are different, especially when you start adding Finite detail like little fillets on everything...

In a NURBS Cad modeler comparison, MoI's Viewport blew doors on 15-20,000 dollar software!!!!

It would not be right to call it's viewport slow (Although I do undertsand what you are describing)

Usually, those other high end app's, start to "Cull" the viewport when trying to do any manipulation in it.."culling can be good, if you are starting to work on 1,500 part assembly's, but in everyday workflow, it is a distraction...


I do not meant to attack Moi :-) I love Moi and the great support and feedback from Michael.
I only had some problems with the viewport speed and I'm not used to that with my current system.
It will be better with the change of the setting as Michael asked me to alter.

And indeed as you said, I'm a Polygon modeler for many many years so I only can used that as reference. :-)
Thanks for the reply any way. :-)

Rich_Art. ;-)

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