Selecting Objects

 From:  Michael Gibson
453.2 In reply to 453.1 
Hi Tim, I'm glad you're having fun with Scale Array!

> Would it be possible to have a 'select objects' or 'select lines' in the selection
> menu? It would cut down the number of spare parts to deselect.

This is something that I'm planning to add with a batch of additional selection tools for version 2.0 .

In the meantime, it is possible to set up a keyboard shortcut with some script in it that can be used to select all curves, which may be helpful.

To do this, close down MoI and edit your moi.ini file using notepad. Moi.ini can be found in this location: C:\Documents and Settings\Michael\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini .

In the section [Shortcut Keys], add this entry:

[Shortcut Keys]
C=script:moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getCurves().setProperty( 'selected', true );

With that in place, you can now push the "C" key to select all curves - does that do you any good? There isn't any way currently to distinguish lines versus other curves though.

- Michael