Love the new flow command

 From:  jpaluck
4514.15 In reply to 4514.14 
Thanks Ed

Unfortunatly my machine is in storage right now - which is driving me nut. This scroll I made had to go to zbrush for smoothing. There were too many parts not sloppy modeling, I was driving myself nuts about joining things but figured the zbrush route sometimes is quicker....besides smoothing the areas out it exports as one mesh ready to be converted to .stl. I took a screen shot of the Carvewright software..they use a propriatary file type..ptn..but you can import an .stl. Carvewrights software makes it really simple for a beginner..kinda of exactly like the WYSIWYG of cnc. The way the scroll looks on the virtual board is pretty much exactly how it will carve...there is never much of a difference if any at all. It pretty precise.

To go from moi to machine the model has to be watertight and then there is no issue. Pretty much what you model will carve exactly like you see it. I have gotten use to how much detail to throw in..meaning the carving bit is 1/6 so that is the limitation for detail. I can go crazy in zbrush with small details..but they wont come out...kinda got a feel for it with trial and error..and a lot of sawdust. I have carved some stuff straight from Moi that wasn't joined..a fluer de lis..and I got these small spiky things in the CW software...they were 1/64 thick or smaller...carved it anyway and they never came through..too small, it carved just fine. All the carvings for the most part need a minor sanding..fuzzies produced..generally a coat of sanding sealer and they come right off.

As far as pics I just got a new computer...had to break down and get the modelling set-up - but I have to go through the old box and get a bunch of stuff off it...I will throw some pics then

Hope this helps you out.