Hope this helps you..not much of tutorial writer...lol more of a watcher and reader of them. The screenshot is kinda the basics of what I did. I do have some sloppy modeling habits sometimes, meaning like in this one everything is not water tight. This model for example I take to zbrush and make an alpha. Then drag a plane out in zbrush, subdivide 7 times and then place the alpha on the plane via projection master..then smooth sculpt whatever..then export out as obj and convert to stl...the mesh is heavy but they all are most of the time for cnc patterns.
I am now trying to figure out to make scrolls in moi...I figure it can be done with sweeps for the most part...LOL trial and error. If anyone knows an easy way to do these I would love to know...some much info on 3d modelling out there but little on 2.5d...I am always trying to stay to say 1 inch in depth so it gets tricky.
