Hi Michael,
"""""""""A couple of things to be aware of about the object properties size display in MoI - the one that is displayed at the top level of the object properties panel has a reduced number of decimal places in its display in order to make it possible to it all on one narrow line in the UI. Also on top of that the bounding size there is a quick calculation just based off of the display mesh of the object. Since that line is updated every single time you do any kind of selection it has to produce an answer quickly and can't do the full detailed analytic calculation there, otherwise your machine would be doing tons of number crunching every time you did any kind of selection.""""""""""""
I have mine setup to show all my decimal places in that upper right corner. but didnt know it was using the display mesh calculation there..
""""""""""""But when you click on that line, it will pop open the edit size dropdown - that one not only has more decimal places displayed but it also goes through the higher accuracy calculation as well for the data displayed on the little dropdown menu. So pop open that menu if you want to see a higher accuracy size display.""""""""""
That was it... Popping out the edit size shows an accurate split... The top level properties display was showing numbers out of sync...
Yes, my CAM package reads all the raw "bounds data" and I have to extract the models actual "edges" to get a good read of where surfaces actually lay... I was being confused on my results and going back and forth and got lost.
Thanks for looking, this should get me going.