parting sizes

 From:  BurrMan
4510.10 In reply to 4510.9 
Hi Michael,

""""""""""Do you mean you're worried about your current process for rotating and positioning the blocks after the boolean is done?"""""

I've always used those methods and had great results.

It was just this particular job where I started to go back and forth and had some confusion.. I dont want to go to much into my CAM package and its methods because that is not the purpose of this forum.. Let's just say that if I was in front view and drew a curve with pick points "above Z zero" though the resulting curve is well below Z zero, the CAm package will read the top most "control point" as the height in Z... But you can rebuild it to show it's true Z value.. This is the same for surfaces and bounds data. The edges of the surfaces will show at the proper height, though the entire surface will show a bit more.. It's usually .002 in all directions, but with this model, IGES wouldnt produce proper results, but SAT did.. (A translation issue)

This video can show what we were discussing before, that you straightend out with the edit properties dialogue, but I wanted to show my use of the boundingbox command for placing an object, and what I saw here, just to get clear for myself.

I am always sure of MoI's accuracy. I was just thrown a little here...