import obj as reference then shaded

 From:  blackhoney
At my job I am often given scan data of a robot, or car, etc.
I import the .obj file into MoI with the converter.
Now the mesh is a thick tangle of black edges.

I really need to be able to shade this rather than see the edges.
This way I can then rebuild the robot within the viewport while
using the import layer as reference. Rhino is able to do this, but
I would rather use MoI. Will V3 have this ability?


In addition, this would boost the power of MoI greatly.
Artists like me really need to be able to import decimated
ZBrush sculpts to then add too it. For example I would
import a female head and then create perfect sun glasses
to fit the model. Or import a low resolution human body
and then, with MoI, create a perfect jetpack.