Flow Test

 From:  Michael Gibson
4487.71 In reply to 4487.66 
Hi Bard,

> After others tests I understand, that "Flow" consider as "Base", any
> circular form, like a square (or rectangle).
> So it's why, it must to take a solid/Plane for Base of the
> objets to deform; & not to want absolutely to use a circle;
> because a solid/square gives the same result.

Yeah the way Flow currently works is by going from the UV space of the base surface into the UV space of the target surface.

So it inherently works in a sort of 2 dimensional way, inside the UV space of each underlying surface and not really paying attention to any trim curves that may be marking areas of each surface as a hole or cut away area.

> We cannot to curve or to round off, a simple torus, like a piece
> of a round shield bulging (domed, rounded).

Again, I think that the new projective option coming in the next beta is going to be more like what you want:

The current way Flow works you would use it more for applying a pattern that goes across the entire target surface.

- Michael