Flow Test

 From:  Michael Gibson
4487.67 In reply to 4487.64 
Hi Bard,

> I see the easiness with "Flow" to do very incredible & complicated
> forms, and I trip over a simple Torus that doesn't want to bow like
> I want. That let me speechless.

Please keep in mind that this is just the very first beta release and there is still work to be done on improving Flow.

> If somebody arrives to bend well round, one torus on a half-sphere,
> I want to know the how of this miracle (lol).

See the attached model for an example. The key things here are that both the base plane and the half sphere are basic untrimmed surfaces. The plane was created with Draw solid > plane, and the sphere was created by drawing a 90 degree arc and using the Revolve command on it, rather than using methods that would produce trimmed surfaces.

Flow works by mapping from the rectangular UV space of the base plane into the rectangular UV space of the curved target surface, and that process only works with a complete surface and does not pay attention to trimmed away areas.

This current method of flow is kind of like UV texture mapping, if you have done that before in rendering programs. It kind of works best for applying a pattern on to the target surface. If you want to apply a single object more like applying a decal to a curved surface, the next v3 beta will have a new "projective" mode which will work a lot better for that kind of use, see this previous post for an example of how that will work in the next beta:

There are also some various bug fixes and improvements to flow coming in the next beta as well.

- Michael