Aircraft Engine Cowl

 From:  Michael Gibson
4470.7 In reply to 4470.6 
Hi Steve, yeah when you've got shapes that are sort of flowing and blending in multiple directions at the same time sub-d smoothing often tends to be better suited for creating stuff like that.

That's when you're getting to areas where the parts that you are creating are less structured, they're less defined just by profile curve and then the profile-curve driven paradigm that MoI is focused on doesn't match with them as well as it does with other kinds of shapes.

Sometimes though the underlying profile curves are there but are really coming from a larger extended surface that is cut off at a certain point.

A lot of times vehicles are in a kind of gray zone having some aspects that are good for NURBS like cut out areas but then other things like melty blendy areas that are good for sub-d.

- Michael