Hi JTB, yeah SAT is the main way to transfer stuff from MoI to Revit.
MoI does actually assign style properties to the objects it writes out to SAT format.
You can see this by doing something like create 2 boxes and assign one style = red and the other style = blue, then write that out to SAT format. Then start a new MoI session and import that SAT file and you should see a red box and a blue box imported into MoI.
So the style attributes are in the SAT file and they are able to be seen by some other programs as well, like for example ViaCAD will read in a red box and a blue box. So I guess that Revit is ignoring those particular attributes.
Do you have AutoCAD? Maybe you could try getting stuff into AutoCAD first by something like IGES transfer (or possibly SAT if it handles color attributes better) and then going to Revit by DWG.
SKP is a polygon based format while SAT will maintain solids and NURBS surfaces, so it's probably not going to be as good to try and use SKP for that kind of transfer. Also styles do not export to SKP format currently so it won't help you in that aspect either.
- Michael