Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4446.1802 In reply to 4446.1801 
Save some images...better than nothing! :)

If you want a terrific another free one :) Twinmotion !
Very versatile for many things! And easy ergonomy of the UI!

"The Twinmotion trial is freely available for anyone to use for an unlimited period of time for testing the product; it may not be used for commercial purposes. The trial includes the full features of Twinmotion, with the exception of exports being limited to a 2K resolution."
Developped at the beginning by a French Team! ;)
Animation and landscape from zero in a minute! :) (leaves are moving! ;)

EDITED: 6 Jan 2023 by PILOU