Well, as far as I am concerned there is no debate, and all I can do is bring up awareness to the issue and link to the crowdfunding efforts in the hope that people donate. And hopefully, besides legislation one can hope that the cultural backlash against this stuff will be strong enough. I am not interested in arguing "for or against" here.
Whether or not someone decides to trample over an artists legacy just because it amuses them and fulfills their need for instant gratification using an unethically developed tool is up to them.
@FP : These AI images generators are not just cleverly designed algorithms. They only exist and function as well as they do because they are using scraped artwork as an input in a way than none of the artists ever agreed to. You are free to do as you please of course since you are the one making your own moral choices. All I can say is please look into the issue further. IMHO every single one of these images is an insult to the artists who got unknowingly fed into the dataset.