Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

 From:  Grendel
4446.1456 In reply to 4446.1453 
"Amazing as always!"....Thanks Pilou...but to me that is crux of a program like that. Did I put forth any artistic related skill to generate them...absolutely not. Did I feel a sense on "accomplishment" when that was generated? I did not, I "appreciated" the output like anyone can appreciate something they like. Do I have the painting skills to produce something like the forest city...absolutely not (at least that I am aware

In simplistic terms I "appreciated" eating a good I feel a sense of "accomplishment" because I ordered the I if order all kinds of different combinations that were not on the standard sandwich menu...

So that is my own personal point of view about these. I put a value on the skill a person has developed through effort. Maybe one could say it takes a skill to verbalize a vision in your minds eye but to me that is verbal and not artistic...even though some beautiful prose probably crosses the line..if there is one. I know when I sketch out a new equipment design on a dry erase board and then model out in MOI and have functional renders for manufacturing I feel what I would call accomplishment......I've been doing 3d for almost 20 years now.

If nothing else these will serve as incredible conversation points as this becomes more it will....just an extension of search really.