Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
About Midjourney! Just in case it can help someone who hasn't got this monster working yet! Having been knighted after 15 days, others manage to do it in 1 day but here I am in a Discord message with my name (Pilou) in a section dedicated to newbies-21. I enter my syntactically good prose like /imagine Leonardo on bicyle and wait baba my 4 images delivered by the Bot god! Well, I'm still waiting!

Nobody says anywhere, in any video or tutorial, that you have to start in this section from an empty message and not from the one that welcomes you! And there it goes Raoul! Exhausted by these attempts to write to the Bot in desperation, browse tons of videos, various and rotten tutorials etc... I finally launched the infernal machine! Tapping all the buttons and getting a Leonard on a bike! The picture is even signed! We don't stop progress!

EDITED: 25 Jun 2022 by PILOU