I'm curious about why MoI export to OBJ (and perhaps other formats, I haven't checked) includes duplicate vertices. I was reading another thread here about Octane having problems rendering MoI output and the subject came up about duplicate vertices. That reminded me that I had been meaning to post this question for a while.
I use MoI to create objects that I then bring into Blender. Whenever I've imported an OBJ, the first thing I have to do in Blender is have it clean up all the duplicate verts. Not a big deal, but if I forget to do it on a model I end up getting a rude reminder when it comes time to render and I get flickering, dark fogging, or other weirdness.
Just to make sure it wasn't a problem with Blender's OBJ import (I'm using 2.59) I exported a simple cube solid out of MoI to an OBJ and then imported it into MeshLab. Sure enough, just like in Blender the cube reports having 24 vertices instead of 8 as it should.
Can anyone enlighten me about this?