Twisted Chain Link

 From:  Michael Gibson
4416.24 In reply to 4416.23 
Hi Psygorn, MoI isn't very focused on surface control point editing, it's only got very basic functionality in that area.

The reason for that is that NURBS surfaces are constructed out of a regular grid of points made up of rows and columns. This means you can't just add in a single control point to a surface to tweak a local area of it, you can only add in an entire new row or column of points.

Sub-D modeling was created to avoid that limitation, in sub-d modeling you can add in a single point and it will automatically smooth all the polygons that are connected to it.

So if surface point modeling is what you want to do for a particular model, you would be better off doing that in a sub-d modeling program that has a lot more sophisticated features for surface point sculpting.

CAD modeling is strong in different areas than that, it's great when much of your model can be defined by 2D profile curves and booleans.

- Michael