Twisted Chain Link

 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
4416.23 In reply to 4416.21 
Hi Michael, Thank you for your reply.

> Blend doesn't work well when you give it a sharp corner to go across.

Well , I tried several outlines on the Cylinder, I even tried to have a trimmed surface which is in contact with the main surface on bottom edge -as Andree shows- again I was not successful to recreate what he had created.

Maybe Cylinder is not a good fit for that.

Thank you for your reply anyway :-)

I will try to tweak it to see if I get any results!

And I think Blender is one of the most famous Sub-D modeling tools out there. However, I have to say seeing control points in MOI 3D is very thrilling and it creates excitement because U can have even more control over produced meshes and one can see that there is a lot of potential there! And I know I am not a software developer so, it is true I don't have vision of a programmer I just see the potential and it thrills me :-)

For example I made the spoon you see just by using of the control points it is not a great spoon but it is made in almost no time! :-)