Octane discussion (branched) Closed

 From:  ycarry

You send to Octane a CAD obj made in MoI converted to poly .obj
and as in 99% of cases (!) the prob appear when converted to poly

In the case of "vase.obj", I showed you the prob after conversion: duplicate vertices (not some but hundreds!), edges weld,...
I showed you with screenshots made from Thea that prob appear in Thea too, and how Thea (try to) solve it transforming itself the object

The most important for all is not only to criticize an application (here Octane)
when/if a prob appear but to understand how and why and solve it.
Im sure you can solve your problem only by different export setup
just send us the MoI file and we try to help you.

Its just to understand, not against you or your work or Octane

all the rest depend of mood (or testosterone rate, or day time, or...)

ps: hope my english is good enough to calm you all