Octane discussion (branched) Closed

 From:  OSTexo

PaQ, I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully you found a renderer that would fit your workflow more appropriately. I invested in both Thea and Octane, they were inexpensive enough for my budget and I thought there might be room for both of them in the toolbox. I have to say I am really happy with Thea, and although it is slower I have a much higher degree of confidence that it will continue to deliver the great results.

I think I got my answer by not getting one from the Octane developers. In a broader sense, people usually invest in perceived value more than actual value, and I believe it is absolutely critical to know this when releasing a product into the market. Certain companies are acutely aware of this, and others are not, and the ones that aren't usually end up in a worse spot than those that do. I never understood the thinking behind not responding to these sort of support requests corporately, rather allowing end users with no involvement in development or vested interest in the financial well being of the corporation speak for the company. It certainly is cheaper to do it this way, but it leads to a highly distorted view of what the real market is looking for and doesn't end well.