Octane discussion (branched) Closed

 From:  YHWH_777
4415.24 In reply to 4415.23 

<< Your "test" smacks of dishonesty...>>

I have a few choice words for you but I won't post them on this forum. I (as well as many others) have tried to help you on this forum, as well as the Octane forum, but all you want to do is bash everyone around. Everyone on both forums is telling you that it is your mesh that is the issue, but you don't want to listen. Everyone else must be wrong because you know better!

I tried to create a cylinder that looked like yours. I didn't have the specifics to your scene, so I did the best that I could. I think that I came pretty close. And my image has no vertex issues at all.

I read the thread that you have discussed (from over a year ago) on the Octane forums and one of the developers did reply to you. It was also pointed out that your meshes contained duplicate vertices (which will cause problems with many renderers). If you created a mesh from MoI, then you shouldn't have had duplicate vertices, so I am now starting to wonder how honest you really are about all of this.

It seems that you don't really want a solution, so at this point I have decided that you are a troll.

Good day sir.