Moi and Ubuntu

 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.48 In reply to 4409.46 
Hi David, those messages are not really significant errors.

For example this one:
SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=0): stub

This message means that WINE does not implement the shell method that returns back whether there are any auto-hide taskbars set in the Windows desktop. MoI calls that method when you maximize its window to figure out whether to leave a little 2 pixel space on any side of the window where an auto-hiding taskbar is at, so that they can still pop up when you move the mouse to that side of the monitor.

There is not really any mechanism for auto-hide taskbars in WINE, so it's not really a problem that it does not implement that particular windows mechanism.

The other messages are similar - when you draw a line MoI will have some inter-process communication between moi_commandprocessor.exe where the script actually executes, and MoI.exe - that's what those ones like
IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
are about, but that particular call is one that is again not an actual error, it's normal for this particular query interface call to fail in that particular instance.

So none of those messages that you show there seem like they are any particular cause for concern themselves.

Do you possibly have any kind of special anti-virus program also running that might be intercepting inter-process communication ?

- Michael