Realtime (GPU-based) Nurbs Tessellation

 From:  Michael Gibson
4405.4 In reply to 4405.3 
Hi southpaw,

> Wonder if OpenCL 1.0 could be used for something like MoI.

There isn't really much in MoI that would be able to take advantage of that - GPU processing tends to work best in situations where you have a mass amount of data but the computations being applied to the data are relatively simple, and easily distributed into separate work items.

MoI does take advantage of multiple CPU cores when generating export meshes though, and I would like to make use of multiple CPU core some more in the future. For most of the stuff that MoI does, multiple CPU processing tends to be a better fit than GPU processing. The other part that is not so good about relying on GPU processing in particular is that it tends to require an advanced and more expensive graphics card.

- Michael