.Wire file

 From:  Ditto
4397.4 In reply to 4397.2 
According to http://filext.com/file-extension/WIRE :
The WIRE file type is primarily associated with 'Wavefront' by Alias.

And Wikipedia says :
Alias Systems Corporation (formerly Alias|Wavefront), headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was a software company that produced high-end 3D graphics software. The company was formed in 1995 when Silicon Graphics bought Alias Research, which was founded in 1983, and Wavefront Technologies, founded in 1984, then merged the two companies. It is now owned by Autodesk, the producers of AutoCAD and 3ds Max.

Autodesk has something to offer: http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Alias/enu/2012/Help/0000-Alias_He0/0726-Referenc726/1435-Command_1435/1436-Platform1436