Import Point Script Error

 From:  Michael Gibson
4381.22 In reply to 4381.19 
Hi Anthony,

> I should mention all points are in meters.

With small values like this, you'll generally be better off setting units to centimeters or millimeters, rather than meters...

If you have features that approach the fitting tolerance (which in MoI is 0.001 units), it can make for some badly formed results - you want to avoid having entire features of your model that approach that size.

So instead of modeling with units = meters and using numbers like radius = 0.005 and stuff like that, I'd strongly recommend using units = mm and numbers like 5 - that will generally help to keep you away from the problem of having entire features of your model at the fitting tolerance level.

In the future I want to switch some more things to work with an "adaptive" tolerance where it uses a fraction of the size of the smallest feature that is currently being used. Some operations work like that already, but not everything. In the future when the adaptive tolerance system is more fully in place it will probably work better to use things with smaller numeric values but until that time you should avoid it.

- Michael