Hi Grendel,
> arrows bracket the circle line inside and out
> click inner to select inside circle, click outer to select outside
> the circle would affect anything inside or touching....or outside
> and touching if an outside selection is needed
The problem with that, is that extra inside/outside step would be really inconsistent with how other selection tools works.
Like for example if you do a rectangular selection right now, there isn't any extra stage to do that kind of inside/outside step - instead the way you do that with the rectangular selection is to first do a "select all" and then do a rectangular selection but hold down the ctrl key which makes it do a deselection of the things captured by it, that produces a rectangular hole in the selection.
It's good if other kinds of selection tools would work in a more consistent manner to the existing ones, rather than having a really different kind of flow to them like the arrow bracket inside/outside step like you've described here...
- Michael