Do you feel it?

 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4363.228 In reply to 4363.227 
Hi Michael,

>The thing that could get sort of messy...

that's why I though of the orientation picker as a mean to setup the UV's like you want but maybe, instead, if it's possible of course, would it be possible (completely outside the flow command) to kind of see the normals orientation and or the UVs orientation? We could setup thing before hand.

I've done another test and I think it's easy to figure out what I'd like to have instead of the result I got (see file). I would like (if possible) the flowed object to keep as much as possible it's roundness. Though I can see other ways to do that, I wonder if I could still do it using flow which would be much less work especially when the object to be flowed is much more complex than the current one?

Edit: I got it, I created a trimmed surface from a projected circle (on the original target) of the proper diameter and I needed to shrink the trimmed surface and the result look much better now. But the roundness is still distorted, to a much less degree though. I'll try another mean to create the target surface, maybe a bool intersection??? No, still have the same untrimmed surface. Is there a way out???


EDITED: 26 Aug 2011 by FELIX
