Do you feel it?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.225 In reply to 4363.220 
Hi Felix,

> Since you already have the orientation picker would it
> be possible to use that to orient the UVs of each surface
> as you like (as an option maybe), <...>

I don't think it will be feasible to do that - for things to work well it needs to map from one full UV space to the other UV space and although it will be possible to do something like map U to V or U to negative U or things like that it won't work to do something arbitrary like a 30 degree angle which is what the orientation picker is set up to allow currently.

I think the way I'll be able to make it work is that it will pay attention to which corners you click nearest to on both the base surface and then the target surface and then flip or swap UVs as necessary so that those 2 corners align. Then maybe a checkbox for flipping the surface normal direction.

That should give you some control over how the base surface and target surface will align with one another without needing to worry so much about which particular directions are the U and V directions.

If you want to rotate something by some arbitrary amount, you would need to do that by either rotating the object or the base plane how you want it first before doing the Flow.

> PS. I tried history and it doesn't apply (unless it's me)

History is not on by default for Flow but you can turn it on by selecting the output object (the deformed result) and then using the Edit > History command, and click the "Enable update" button.

When history update is enabled on the result object then it will recalculate when you edit either the original object or either of the 2 surfaces.

- Michael