Do you feel it?

 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4363.220 In reply to 4363.212 
Hi Michael,

I use flip on the rounded surface and the ring appeared on the right side of the curve but it is still stretch in V direction. I assume as you mention, it because the UVs are orthogonal from the base to target surface.

Since you already have the orientation picker would it be possible to use that to orient the UVs of each surface as you like (as an option maybe), this would provide maximum flexibility, ie. the UVs of base surface could be setup say north/south and the target UVs could be oriented north-est/south-west or whatever. If HISTORY was available one could even modify the original object by whatever mean. (control points, move, scaling, etc) and see in real time the effect on the final object. This would give us awsome creative potential.


PS. I tried history and it doesn't apply (unless it's me) and I tried to orient indirectly the UVs by rotating the surface, it works only in 90 degree steps sort of speek. Conclusion: history would be a big plus.