Hi Mike - also regarding that Network example that you posted - usually you're better off building things as larger surfaces and instead cutting pieces of the big extended surface off rather than trying to build things in little bits at a time.
That will still generally be a better way even at the time that there are continuity controls - continuity controls only adjust shapes at the very edges of a surface, and it's pretty easy for surfaces to have a kind of bunching up in form near the end even if they are technically fully curvature continuous at their edges.
When you build larger more extended surfaces, that tends to make shapes that are more naturally smooth with more evenly distributed curvature throughout themselves rather than trying to tweak a patchwork of little bits just by their edge zones to be smooth to one another.
Doing that kind of "one patch at a time" type modeling doesn't really exploit the greatest strengths of NURBS modeling which are actually more in the areas of being able to cut and slice pieces more freely than you can in polygon modeling. If you want to build things one little patch at a time, a polygon sub-d modeler is actually a better overall technology for that kind of an approach because it kind of more fully melts things together than edge continuity tweaking.
That's why those kinds of tools were not a big priority for MoI initially - they can be useful but they're kind of a workflow that isn't going along the absolute strongest area of NURBS modeling.
- Michael