3Ds Max Patch Modeling

 From:  Michael Gibson
4360.12 In reply to 4360.11 
Hi Mike, yeah SketchUp is great for boxy objects, but trying to deal with curved objects is awkward with it since it is hard to manage piles of little edges and facets that are trying to approximate curved areas.

re: panels - can you please also post the 3DM file that goes along with your screenshot so I can inspect the actual geometry?

But basically if you built it by making something like each quadrant as a separate Network surface, then that's normal that they won't naturally be smooth where they touch - that's because when you build any kind of shape, whether it's a curve or a surface if it just comes to an end it won't have any knowledge of what kind of shape is supposed to be coming after it's end. Usually the solution to this is to build it as a larger surface all in one shot rather than in totaly separate pieces.

Here are a couple of examples that show the difference with making a shape that stops at a single point as compared to a longer continuing one:

Like I mentioned previously, I do want to add some tools in the future for smoothing out a surface that was built in a piece by piece method, but even at that point you will likely be better off using the "build a larger smooth surface in one go" method since it just naturally makes a smooth object and building in individual separate patches naturally makes shapes that come to an abrupt end.

The other ways that you can get smoothness is by leaving some space between objects and using the Blend command which puts in a smooth connector surface in between the space between 2 edges, or by building things with some initially sharp corners and then using fillets to smooth them out.

But for your sink to get a smooth shape most likely your best bet would be to get the whole revolution done in one surface creation command rather than only doing one quadrant at a time.

- Michael