Move drawing and background together

 From:  Michael Gibson
4306.7 In reply to 4306.6 
Hi Mark, yup that kind of more implicit binding through being selected rather than a more explicit persistent binding (which is what I thought you were asking about) could possibly be easier to set up.

However, right now though it's intentionally set up that you can't select background images while you are out of the Image command - that's because background images tend to span a large amount of the background and if they were selectable at the same time as regular geometry it would be quite easy to accidentally select them and move them unintentionally.

It's to prevent that kind of unintended manipulation that they stay non-selectable unless you are inside of the Image command.

Right this moment I'm not sure how to keep the current "prevent unintentional moving" type support and also at the same time allow image selection at regular model time like you're asking about. I guess it could potentially be a mode that could be set by a checkbox somewhere.

> I'd like to write my own macros and UI's. Where do people
> go to learn enough about your program to do things like that?

Well, it's not really a well documented or supported area right now, but the best starting point is here: and since there aren't any step-by-step tutorials for that kidn of stuff you have to be kind of self sufficient and learn by studying existing commands and a lot of experimentation and trial and error.

It is an area that I want to support more in the future but it's a pretty time consuming area not just for producing documentation and tutorials for but also in trying to help others debug code and stuff like that. So it's probably not really an area that I'll be able to dig into fully until after more of the kind of core non-programming type areas of MoI are more fully finished.

- Michael